Important Steps to Take After Home Water Damage

In the U.S., it is estimated that the annual cost of flooding today is over $32 billion

Flooding is one of Ohio’s greatest risks, particularly flash flooding. Floodwaters can cause structural damage to homes, a significant issue often uncovered months or even years later. This poses a safety risk and can make a significant dent in your finances. 

That’s why it’s important to prepare by knowing what steps to take to reduce to costs of home water damage. 

Ready to learn more? Keep on reading below. 

Call Your Insurance Company

When your home floods, you must report the incident to your insurance company. No matter how severe the damage is, you should call them immediately. They will send out an estimator to determine the asset losses. 

To help your claim, take photos of all your affected belongings. This may include furniture, appliances, electronics, valuables, and clothing. After documenting water damage, you should immediately remove items that pose a health risk. 

Take Safety Precautions

Before making any cleanup attempts, you need to ensure your home is safe to enter. Start by making sure the power is off, and everything is structurally sound. A qualified inspector may need to declare your home safe before you enter. 

Flooding can cause mold growth, which must be cleaned up immediately. The same goes for sewage overflow. Be wary of wild animals such as snakes or spiders, which may be hiding in your home. 

Start the Cleanup

To begin the cleanup, remove damaged furniture and carpets. Mattresses are often challenging to clean and may need to go in the trash. However, furniture may be saved by air drying and spraying with a disinfectant solution. 

After the flooding has subsided, wash any mud and debris from your home with a hose. Throw away any food and wipe down all surfaces with a bleach solution. 

During dryer days, open up your home, drain water away from under the house, and check for trapped water in your wall and floor cavities. Excess water and moisture can get absorbed into walls, leading to deterioration and mold growth. 

Be Aware of Mold Hazards

Mold can develop within 28 hours after home water damage and can affect your health in more ways than one. As soon as you notice mold, act fast.

Start by opening as many windows and doors as possible to let the fresh air circulate. Remove all wet items, including carpeting, insulation, and ceiling tiles. Use a vacuum to clean up standing water and clean all hard surfaces with a bleach and water solution. 

Know When to Bring in the Professionals

Repairing a home after water damage is an expensive undertaking. It also poses several safety hazards that can put you and your loved ones at risk.

Don’t wait for something to go wrong before calling a water damage restoration company. They can assess the damage and use state-of-the-art tools to remove water and restore your home to its previous condition. 

Dealing With Home Water Damage? Call Us!

Flooding is the most frequent and costliest natural disaster to hit American homes. When floods occur, home water damage is almost inevitable. 

To save money on repairs, it’s wise to understand what steps to take immediately after you find water damage in your home. While you can attempt to remove water from your home, a professional water damage restoration company will ensure the job is done right. 

At Water Out Now, we offer water damage repair and water restoration services in Ohio. 

Is your home flooding? Choose a water damage company you can trust. 

Get a free estimate today.